The Path to Publication: Advice From the Pros

What are publishers really looking for these days, and how can you gain a competitive edge? What makes a query letter or book proposal grab an editor’s attention? Inquiring writers want to know and savvy editors and agents have the answers.

Join us on Saturday, September 20 as we kick off our new year with a dynamite Publishing Panel of experts including: Brie Mazurek, Managing Editor of Ten Speed Press and Literary Agent Verna Dreisbach of Dreisbach Literary Management.

VernaDreisbachVerna Dreisbach, of Dreisbach Literary Management, is an award winning published author who has been featured in books, literary journals, magazine, and newspapers. She is currently working on an anthology for Seal Press about women and their horses, due for publication in January 2010. Verna serves on the board of directors for CSUS Writers Conference in Sacramento, CA, and is the founder and president of Capitol City Young Writers. She represents a wide range of fiction and non-fiction and is actively looking for emerging and experienced writers to build her list. Verna will give writers the scoop on, “Why You Need a Great Fiction Query Letter and Strong Non-Fiction Book Proposal and How to Craft Them.”

BrieMazurekBrie Mazurek has been with Ten Speed Press, an independent book publisher in Berkeley specializing in lifestyle non-fiction titles, including cooking, how-to, self-help, pop culture, and more, for nine-plus years, and has worked on a wide array of books, from illustrated non-fiction to high-quality cookbooks and best-selling career guides. Brie will bring her considerable expertise to this panel and address: “Getting the Attention of Non-Fiction Publishers: How to Build a Platform and Why.”