Rose Owens

Rose Owens was born and raised in Utah. She graduated from Brigham Young University with a degree in elementary education. She moved to Livermore, California, in 1966.  She has a Master’s Degree in Special Education from California State University, Hayward. She and her husband have seven children, twenty-three grandchildren, and two great-granddaughters.  Rose began writing as a child and has continued to enjoy it.  Her first published book was  Who Was There, a Nativity Story for Children. Maryalise and the Singing Flowers is the first book in her middle-grade fantasy trilogy. Rose enjoys writing, art, storytelling, reading, and traveling to see her family.

Rose is a professional storyteller who has shared stories for over forty years.  She enjoys telling traditional folktales, multicultural stories, family stories, and her own original stories.  She says that storytelling is like spinning a silver web that invites listeners to come and be part of the storytelling experience.  Her listeners are always mesmerized by her oral storytelling skills.  The Maryalise trilogy, born in her imagination and recorded on paper, is an invitation to enter a make-believe world.

