Mastering Creative Anxiety

December is a challenging month. Holiday celebrations bring added stress and less time for writing. What’s a writer to do? Our December speaker, Dr. Eric Maisel, creativity coach, family therapist and the author of more than 30 books, including Fearless Creating, The Van Gogh Blues and A Writer’s Space, is an expert on stress and the creative life. Writing provokes anxiety. Not writing provokes more anxiety! This month, Dr. Maisel will (calmly) shepherd us through the various anxieties that nag us as we try to write, and present a menu of anxiety management tools to help us deal with the inevitable anxieties that accompany the creative process and the creative life. Take some time out for you this December and reap the benefits of less stress in the New Year.

EricMaiselAuthor, family therapist and cultural observer, Dr. Eric Maisel is widely regarded as America’s foremost creativity coach. His thirty plus books, on topics ranging from handling toxic criticism and performance anxiety, to living the writing life in Paris and San Francisco, have helped countless authors and creative souls. Popular titles include Coaching the Artist Within, Creativity for Life, and Creative Recovery. Dr. Maisel holds degrees in philosophy (B.S.), psychology (B.A.), creative writing (M.A.), counseling (M.S.), and counseling psychology (PhD). He hosts two shows on the Personal Life Media Network, and writes a monthly “Coaching the Artist Within” column for Art Calendar Magazine. He’s an internationally known lecturer and workshop leader who has spoken at The American Psychological Association’s Annual Conference, The Writers Digest Writers Conference, The Paris Writers Workshop and numerous other venues. To learn more about Dr. Maisel, visit his website: