Lani Longshore

Reviews as a Window to the Writer’s Soul by Lani Longshore

Lani Longshore
Lani Longshore

Nathan Bransford wrote a great blog about retaining your humanity when reviewing a book you didn’t particularly like “The Bullies of Goodreads” . It got me thinking about what a writer who posts gratuitously negative reviews wants.

  • To be seen as the strongest writer in the room? Knocking down every other writer won’t make readers flock to your work. You need to offer something people want to read.
  • To be remembered forever? Sorry, Shakespeare, Cervantes and the guy who wrote the Burma Shave signs are still top of the class there.
  • To be praised for your unstinting honesty? Since when is vitriol a synonym for honesty?

If we are writing from our hearts, writing about what is true and important for us, then our words are a reflection of our character. Before you hit the Post button, think about the legacy you’re leaving.