11 Things You Won’t Want To Miss by Lani Longshore

Lani LongshoreThe Social Media Group discussed a post about blog titles recently. Savaged the post might be a better description. Yet, here I am, using the formula recommended by the author. Why? Because I can. What does this have to do with the writing life? Read on and see.

1. Cold water on a hot day. Seriously, dehydration is nothing to laugh at. Your little gray cells can’t function if they’re shriveled and dry. Drink lots of water to keep the brain – and the muscles in your fingers – functioning well for those long summer writing sessions.

2. Sleep. You can’t write the Great American Shopping List, much less the Great American Novel, on caffeine alone. Forget the extra cup of coffee and take a nap.

3. News. There’s nothing worse than having a fabulous idea for a Sci-Fi novel or political thriller, only to discover that life has already co-opted your fiction. Keep up with the times (you’ll thank me later).

4. Time with family. Fine, they drive you crazy. Think of how much you can make them suffer when you base some of your characters on family members and make them guess who is who.

5. Time with friends. See #4 above.

6. Clean clothes. You never know when you’re going to be discovered, so always be prepared to be interviewed on national TV.

7. Grocery shopping. Buy real food. Eat it. Write.

8. Paying the electric bill. Unless you write with a ball point pen on legal pads, you need to keep the juice going to your computer.

9. Your significant other’s special days. Disappearing to write gets a lot easier if you remember to resurface on your anniversary, or his birthday, or her weekend off (again, you’ll thank me later).

10. Elections. You are part of your community, so don’t let someone else make bad choices for you. Make your own bad choices.

11. Tri-Valley Writers meetings. No one appreciates your struggles as much as another writer. Join us, and bring your friends (in the flesh or in your novel, we’re not picky).