The Idleness of March by Lani Longshore

March began quietly. I finished a story for critique group. I did the laundry. I listened to the weather report so I could prepare for the next rain storm. February is short, and there are deadlines. Between getting the tax information collected, registering for the April 22 Tri-Valley Writers conference (have you registered yet?) and entering the writing contest, and all the other things that must be done, I was fairly knackered by the end of the month. March arrived, lovely and green (and not just for Saint Patrick’s Day), and I relaxed.

That’s never a good thing.

There is always more work to do, more contests to enter, more stories to write, more revising required. Taking a breather sounds like taking positive action, but too much deep breathing can lead to sleep. Then you wake up and it’s the end of the month and what do you have to show for it?

That’s why I’m going to change my calendar. March 15 will no longer be called The Ides of March. I will rename it The Idleness of March, and make sure that when March 15 dawns, sunny or cloudy as the case may be, I will put my breather behind me and my fingers to the keyboard. Time to get to work!