Titles: A Collection by Lani Longshore

There are days when I can write stories, and there are days when I can write titles. Alas, the titles don’t always match the stories. Still, writing is writing, so I keep a file of all the titles that manage to stick to a memory cell long enough for me to record them. Whether I’ll ever write stories to go with all of them is doubtful. That used to make me sad, but then I thought, Self, share. Maybe someone else will write the story and you can enjoy it without all the work. So here they are, some with explanation, some without.


Accidental Mythology

An Altar of Crockery

Soren and The Flying Dachshund (My friend had a dachshund puppy that liked to play chase with her older pit-bull mix, Soren, by leaping off the furniture and soaring past Soren’s head)

The Worms Don’t Read

The Method of Exhaustion (a form of geometrical proof)

Volatile Sugar Dust (apparently it’s a thing, and can cause explosions)

Last, but not least, here is a title and cover art for Thread Brain: A Story