How Advice from a Friend Tweaked My Writing Process by Linda Todd

Pull up a chair and write? Why did I need to hop in my car with my laptop and drive to The Corner Bakery to write? I’m one of the lucky writers with an entire room devoted to my writing process. Could setting up shop at a restaurant with other writers scattered around the tables be any better than my ergonomic chair, dual monitors, full-size keyboard, and a library of writing-instruction books stuffed in a bookshelf?

I’ve read and heard from various writers that finding a specific place and time to bang away on a work in progress is the most productive means to completion. Nah, I didn’t need to do that. All I had to do was sit at my desk and plug away. Except my method was not working. With email to check, a blog post to finish, photos to edit, and this or that project to complete first, I never found the time for my novel in progress.

For the third year in a row, I have had “finish a novel draft” at the top of my goal list. So far this year, I have two scenes written. When a fellow writer told me how much the Pull Up a Chair and Write sessions helped her, I decided to try it.

After two sessions, I am excited to say that I am a believer in this simple tweak to my writing process. During my second session, I managed to pound out detailed notes that will soon become eight or nine scenes. Great progress from two hours of concentrated labor.

I now have a standing date with my novel every Wednesday from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. for the rest of the year. I may not be able to complete the entire draft before New Year’s Day, but if I manage to complete a big chunk, I’ll be happy.